Rogier Franssen, (1991, NL) attempts to repair the world through make-do fixes, being prepared and being resilient with the objects around us. Rogier is always on the run from complexity and has an outspoken opinion on what people need or don’t need to enrich their daily life.


instagram: @rogierhrf


2014 - Rogier Franssen - studio for architecture

2022 - Wiel Arets Architects

2020 - 2022 Sunmotion Architecture

2018 - 2020 Studio Enzo Valerio


2023 - September, The Repair Man (Performance). A Tale of a Tub, Rotterdam.

2023 - August, Transformation of a Concrete Past (Lecture). Hogeschool Amsterdam, Amsterdam

2022 - September, 100 Years Justus van Effen (Curating). A Tale of a Tub, Rotterdam

2021 - January, Introduction of Dérive: a situationist approach to our surroundings (Lecture). Academy of Arts, Tilburg

2015 - Vedute at the International Design Seminar (Workshop). InDeSem, Delft


2014-2018 MSc TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences

2017 Educating Architecture, TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences

2012 Biënnale Sessions Venice, Delft School of Theory and Design

2011 Advanced Prototyping, TU Delft, Faculty of Industrial Engineering

2010 - 2014 BSc TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences


Image Revealed, Extracted, Mounted, Expressed; approximation of the cultural past in contemporary architecture.

The Farm as a Modern Machine of Production; a historical enquiry into ‘De Schipborg’, a farm designed by H.P. Berlage

Power of Function; an introduction to affordances in the built environment.

Available upon request.